Au sein de notre groupe de recherche 3A2P, l’objectif est d’étudier le développement de l’expérience individuelle et collective dans ses dimensions psychologique et corporelle, et d’examiner les effets de programmes ou de dispositifs, leur durabilité, dans des contextes de formation ou d’accompagnement des performances. 

Mes propres travaux s’organisent autour de 2 thématiques : 1) L’engagement dans l’activité physique et l’apprentissage (motivations, intérêt en situation, stratégies d’apprentissage, autorégulation) ; 2) Le développement de la prise de décision intuitive et coordonnée (intuition, intelligence collective, apprentissage implicite et analogique, vidéo-feedback)

Dernières publications

Sondt, N., Bernier, M., Kermarrec, G., Vacher, P. (2024). Exploring the role of mindfulness in the stress-recovery balance: 10-Day monitoring of young BMX riders in an intensive training center during a pre-competition cycle, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 74, 102680, (3,4 JCR ; SJR Q1)

Petiot, O., Kermarrec, G., Visioli, J., & Martin, G. (2024). The Inducers of an Elite Male Table Tennis Player’s Emotional Experience Throughout His Career: A Single Case Study Based on the Critical-Incident Method. The Sport Psychologist. Advance online publication. (1,6 JCR ; SJR Q3)

Duge?ny, S., Fontaine, T., Bossard, C., Vacher, P.,  Kermarrec, G. (2023). Analyser les relations entre la prise de de?cision et les e?motions a? l’aide d’une me?thode mixte : e?tude de cas d’un entrai?neur de basket-ball en situation de compe?tition. STAPS, 141, 77-96. (SJR Q3).

Kerivel, T., Bagot, P., Dugeny, D., Fontaine, T., Vacher, P., Kermarrec, G., Bossard C. (2023). Collective intuition evolution in a soccer team in training: a longitudinal study using a mixed method to examine relations between the individual perception of relevant cues and shared cognitive contents. STAPS, 141, 109-128. (SJR Q3).

Petiot, O., Visioli, J., Duge?ny, S., Kermarrec, G. (2023). La quantification de donne?es qualitatives : quels apports pour l’analyse du travail e?motionnel de l’enseignant d’EPS ? STAPS, 141, 159-179. (SJR Q3).

Bagot, P., Fournier, J.F., Kerivel, T., Bossard, C., Kermarrec, G., Martinent, G., Bernier, M. (2033). Visual Search Strategies of Elite Fencers: An Exploratory Study in Ecological Competitive Situation. Journal of Functionnal Morphology and Kinesiology, 8, 106. jfmk8030106 (0,581 SJR Q2)

Petiot O., Visioli J., & Kermarrec G. (2023). The emotional labor of physical education teachers in ‘difficult contexts’: an inductive analysis of the most significant moments of their career, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2023.2219269 (5.83 JCR ; 1.15 SJR Q1)

Petiot O., Visioli J., & Kermarrec G. (2023). The Coach’s Emotional Labor in Sport: Lessons from a Three-Season Collaboration with an Elite Handball Coach, Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. DOI: 10.1080/21520704.2023.2166183 (1.65 JCR ; 0.52 SJR Q2)

Kermarrec, G., Regaieg, G. and Clayton, R. (2022). Mixed-methods approaches to learning strategies and self-regulation in Physical Education: a literature review. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27, 2.DOI 10.1080/17408989.2021.1999916 (5.83 JCR ; 1.67 SJR Q1)

Bossard C., Kérivel T., Dugény S., Bagot P., Fontaine T., Kermarrec G. (2022). Naturalistic Decision-Making in Sport: How Current Advances Into Recognition Primed Decision Model Offer Insights for Future Research in Sport Settings? Frontiers in Psychology, 13:936140. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.936140. (4.32 JCR ; 0.87 SJR Q1)

Allard-Latour, E. Rannou, J., and Kermarrec, G. (2022). Adolescent girls’ and boys’ situational interest for a learning task in physical education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22, 6, 1356 – 1362. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2022.06170 (0.39 SJR Q2)

Clayton Bernard, R. & Kermarrec, G. (2022) Peer Assessment and Video Feedback for Fostering Self, Co, and Shared Regulation of Learning in a Higher Education Language Classroom. Frontiers in Education, 7, ?10.3389/feduc.2022.732094? (0.579 SJR Q2)

Kermarrec, G., Regaieg, G. and Sahli, S. (2022). A tailored mobile phone app promoting daily physical activity: a randomized trial. Journal of Sport and Health Research, 14, 2, 257-268. (0.211 SJR Q3)

Kérivel, T., Bossard, C. & Kermarrec, G. (2021). Team learning process: a longitudinal study in dynamic situation. The Learning Organization, 29, 2, 52-68. (3.01 JCR ; 0.54 SJR Q2)

Regaieg, G., Sahli, S. and Kermarrec, G. (2021). Mixed-program based on virtual and real games increases fundamental movement skills in children with intellectual disabilities: A quasi-experimental study. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 38, 4, 626-642 (2.61 JCR ; 0.52 SJR Q1)

Kerivel, T. Bossard, C., & Kermarrec G. (2021). Applying Inputs Process Outcomes model to team learning in sport curriculum: an exploratory qualitative study in soccer players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 78 (2.448 JCR ; SJR Q1)

Le Paven, M., Clayton Bernard, R., & Kermarrec, G. (2021) Learning to teach and play futsal using digital tablets: What knowledge do sports science students mobilize? Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research (0.51 JCR ; SJR Q1)

Kerivel, T. Bossard, C., Feignant, M. & Kermarrec G. (2021). L’évolution du partage au sein d’une équipe de football en formation : une étude longitudinale. Le Travail Humain, 1, 84, 63-87 (0.569 JCR ; 0.179 SJR Q3)

Regaïeg, G., Sahli, S. & Kermarrec, G. (2020). Designed game situations enhance fundamental movement skills in children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 264, 4, 271-279. (1.941 JCR ; 0.982 SJR Q1)

Souchon, N., Kermarrec, G., Trouilloud, D. & Bardin, B. (2020). Influence of Teachers’ Political Orientation and Values on Their Success Prediction Toward Students From Different Socioeconomic Background. European Review of Applied Psychology, 70.

Regaïeg, G., Sahli, S. & Kermarrec, G. (2020). Designed game situations enhance fundamental movement skills in children with Down Syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, in press (1.941 JCR ; 0.982 SJR Q1)

Kermarrec G., Kerivel T., Cornière C., Bernier M., Bossard C., Le Bot G., Le Paven M. (2020). Usages et effets du feedback vidéo pour la formation à la prise de décision en sport : une revue de littérature. STAPS, 1, 120, 61-76  

Le Menn, M., Kermarrec, G., Bossard, C., Travassos, B., & Duarte, R. (2019). Intuitive Decision-Making of Expert Goalkeeping Performance: a Naturalistic Study, Journal of Human Kinetics, 69. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0042. (1.858 JCR ; SJR Q2)

Roure, C., Kermarrec, G., & Pasco, D. (2019). Effects of Situational Interest Dimensions on Students’ Learning Strategies in Physical Education, European Physical Education Review, 25, 2, 327-340. doi: 10.1177/1356336X17732964. (1.921, JCR ; 0.755 SJR Q1)